Put BTDSys Peer LFO.dll in your Gear\Generators folder.
Peer LFO is an LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) which you can use to
modulate any parameter of any other Buzz machine.
- Add Peer LFO to your song, along with some other machine.
- You don't need to connect anything to Peer LFO in the machine view.
- Right click Peer LFO and select Assign Parameter, then click an unassigned
- In this dialog, choose the machine and parameter you want to control.
- Click OK, open the Peer LFO parameter window, and switch On/Off to On.
- If you want to control more than one parameter from the same LFO, add more
tracks to the machine (Pattern view, Ctrl +). Then assign them as above.
Global (machine) parameters
- On/Off - activates or deactivates the machine.
- Amp - global amplitude, affecting the amplitude of every track.
Can be used to "fade" the LFO effect in or out.
- Manual Phase - allows you to manually set the phase (position in
the cycle) of the wave.
- Wave Shape - the type of wave to be used.
- Random sets a new value of the parameter at every time interval
specified by the Rate.
- Wander is similar to Random, apart from it travels
smoothly to the next random vlaue rather than jumping straight to it.
- Wavetable uses a user-defined wave stored in the Buzz wavetable.
- Min, Max and Center send constant values, the minimum,
maximum and center of the defined control range respectively. These allow you to
set the range parameters up while watching the changing values in the controlled
machine's parameter window.
- The remainder (Sine, Tri etc) are simple oscillator waveforms as you
may expect.
- Wave Number - if Wave Shape is set to Wavetable, this is the wave
to use from the Buzz wavetable. If it's a stereo wave, only the left channel
will be used.
- Min Diff - when using Random or Wander modes, this specifies the
minimum difference between consecutive values. This can be used to guarantee
a noticable change in the parameter every time interval.
- Rate - sets either the period (in Ticks/16 or ms) or the frequency
(in Hz/4096) of the wave.
- Rate Unit - sets the units of the Rate parameter, either 16ths of
ticks, milliseconds or 4096ths of Hertz.
- Inertia - glide time for Amp, Min, Max and Period parameters.
Track parameters
- Min and Max - the minimum and maximum values of the LFO
wave (given as a percentage of the controlled parameter's range)
- Center and Amplitude - an alternative way of setting
the LFO's range.
- Extent Mode - sets which of min/max and center/amp is used.
The other is simply ignored.
Note that from the machine's right-click menu you can synchronise the
two pairs of values (so they represent equivalent ranges).
- Update Freq - sets how frequently the LFO actually sends its
values to a parameter, if you don't want it to every tick.
- Phase - sets the relative phase offset compared to the "global"
- Track - if you assign to a [T]rack parameter, which track will
be controlled. If it's set to All, then all the machine's tracks are
controlled. If you assign to a [G]lobal parameter, this has no effect.
Attribute Heed Stop Btn defines whether the LFO switches itself
off when you press the Stop button in Buzz. By default, it is set to 0
(meaning no, it doesn't).
Other Notes
- PeerLFO can only change the value of a parameter once every tick.
This is due to the way Buzz works. If control isn't smooth enough, either
increase the TPB value of your song, or use inertia (if the target machine
has it) of length 1.0 tick.
- Note that PeerLFO continues to be active, even if it is muted or another
machine is in solo mode. However, if it is muted when it is loaded (eg because
you added it while another machine was solo, or because this was its state in
a loaded song file), it will not initialise itself (ie it will remain inactive)
until it is un-muted.
- If you import a song file containing machines whose names are already in use
in the current song, the new machines will be renamed by Buzz. However, any Peer LFO
machines in the imported song will no longer recognise the renamed machines, and
will control the "old" named machines which were already in the song. To work around
this, please make sure you give your machines unique names in all your template files,
and don't import a file into itself.
If you have comments or suggestions, or if you find any bugs
email me.
Also visit my website.
Docs and code ⌐Ed Powley (BTDSys), June-July 2002
Thanks to everyone who alpha tested this machine, suggested features
and pointed out bugs, without whom this machine would suck a lot worse